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Transvaginal Scan

Transvaginal scan (TVS) provides extraordinary resolution and can provide unique information regarding the baby, cervix and other structures. (8-40 Weeks)

Transvaginal Scan

What is transvaginal scan (TVS)?

“Transvaginal” means an internal examination through the vagina. TVS probes have extraordinary
resolution and may provide unique information regarding fetal anatomy, placenta, womb, cervix and other
important structures.

Technically examination by TVS during pregnancy it is identical to gynaecolodical ultrasound. The special
high resolution probe is aseptically cleaned, covered with sterile cover (like condom) and sterile
lubricating gel. It is important to know, if you have any latex allergy, because in the case of allergy we will
use latex-free probe covers.

The operator performing transvaginal scan in pregnancy needs to have very high level of expertise and
experience. TVS scan represents significant challenge for the doctor or sonographer because of
difficulties of obtaining correct images and there are just few specialist in London performing
transvaginal assessment of the early fetus.

TVS scan is optional and you may decide to avoid this type of examination. In this case we will explain you
the limitations of transabdominal scan in your case. Please be aware that we never offer you TVS in the
case we can get sufficient information about your baby and pregnancy by transabdominal scan.

Important: please empty your bladder immediately before the transvaginal scan. Even small amount of
urine in the bladder will change the position of the womb and will reduce the quality of image.

When it is important to perform TVS

- Early assessment of fetal anatomy
- Fetal neurosonography (expert examination of the brain)
- Screening for vasa previa
- Measurement of cervical length
- Examination of the post CS scar
- Examination the placenta for abnormalities
- Other specific situations

TVS id safe for you or your baby

TVS use the same safe ultrasound waves to get the images of the baby and womb. The probe can not get
in direct contact with fetus. Usually due to better resolution the time of TVS imaging is shorter comparing
with transabdominal scan. We use completely aseptic technique of preparation of the probe and there is
no risk of infection.

Get in touch
+256 752 109 149
+256 780 723 494

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+256 752 109 149
+256 780 723 494



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